
Melkamu Mulat

Assistant lecturer

Department: Environmental and occupational health & safety

Phone :0934595214

Position :-Assistant Lecturer
Academic rank:-BSc. in Environmental and occupational health & safety

Date of birth: 07/07/1994 G.C

Education and trainings

2013/14 G.C – 2016 G.C ,BSc. In environmental and occupational health and safety in university of Gondar

Work experience

April 2018 – present ,Environmental health department assistant lecturer in Teda health science college

April 30 2020-aug. 7 2020 ,Covid 19 surveillance and isolation site Infection Prevention Control coordinator in South

Gondar health department

April 2018 G.C –April 2020 ,Head of department of environmental health in Teda health science college

Feb 2017 G.C – April 2018 .Health extension supervisor, health center PHEM focal and RRT coordinator in Teda

G.C health center,

0ct. 2017 G.C – Feb. 2010 ,hygiene and sanitation officer, and health extension coordinator in Tegede woreda, north

Gondar, Ethiopia

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