Yimer Mamaye Belete

Yimer Mamaye Belete

Assistant Lecturer

Department: Environmental and occupational health & safety

E-mail: yimermam3@gmail.com

Phone :0935710513

Position :-Head, Department of environmental health services
Academic rank:-BSc. in environmental and occupational health and safety
Date of birth: 15/02/1996 G.C

Education and trainings

2014/15 G.C – 2017 G.C BSc. In environmental and occupational health and safety in university of Gondar

Sep. 11 2019 – present Environmental health department assistant lecturer in Teda health science college

Aug. 06 2019 – Sep. 10 2019 Health extension supervisor and IPC focal in Adi-arkay health center, North Gondar,Ethiopia

Oct. 21 2017 – Aug. 05 2019 Hygiene and sanitation coordinator, infection prevention focal person in Bona districthospital, Sidama zone, SNNPE.

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